"Why I Love My Acoustic Guitar"!


I was recently asked to contribute a few words to a Musician's Friend blog post entitled "Why I Love My Acoustic Guitar". I mentioned my Hurricane BF-402 and self-customised Kent 8-string both of which I have written about here before.

Isn't it typical that both these guitars are now out of action? The Kent needs a bit more setting up as the action (no doubt increased by the additional tension) is making it a chore to play but also there's a fault in the wiring of the Hofner pickup I added. It shouldn't be too much of a job to sort out but it's not a guitar I play very much and so it's a job that's been consigned to the backburner.

Of more concern is my hitherto trusty Hurricane which has seen me well through many guitar club meetings, practice sessions, the odd open mic night and occasional performances. Not only has the bridge started lifting but it has developed an annoying buzz on the low E string. A closer inspection shows the neck is starting to do an impression of a banana. These are things that can be fixed, but I figured, this guitar cost me £20 (plus £10 shipping) a couple of years ago and I've had loads of playing time out of it; it's time to retire it and take the plunge and get a new guitar.

After a lot of research - because I am on a limited budget - I have now ordered a new acoustic guitar which I have high hopes for and should be receiving some time next week. I'll post about it again once I've had the chance to have a play and make some kind of evaluation.

G L Wilson

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